Soil Stabilization

Houses are unique, just like the families that reside in them. As different as homes can be, two things are true of all of them. A house needs a strong, stable foundation and the soil underneath the foundation has a direct impact on the foundation. At Structural Repair & Renovation, we have everything you need to maintain a strong foundation. Our soil stabilization solutions provide a more even surface for your foundation to sit on, helping to maintain a level foundation.

What is Soil Stabilization?

Essentially, soil stabilization involved altering soil to enhance its physical properties. There are multiple ways to stabilize soil, some of which increase the overall strength of the soil and others that better control the shrink-swell properties of soil. With soil stabilization services from Structural Repair & Renovation, you can have confidence that your foundation has superior soil surrounding it.

Our team of skilled and experienced professionals can use soil stabilization techniques on a number of sub-grade materials, and we’ll guide you through the process for a hassle-free experience.

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common problems


Erosion is a normal occurrence near shorelines, and proper stabilization techniques are required in order to correct existing erosion problems. At Structural Repair and Renovations, we develop solutions designed to effectively restore and repair eroded shorelines while addressing the underlying erosion issues. With extensive experience and licensed structural engineers, we’re able to provide remediation techniques for efficient stabilization of streambanks and shorelines.


Soil Erosion is the loss of soil from the ground surface. It is a process that is always occurring but it can happen faster if we misuse the land or if the ground surface is not adequately protected with vegetation and drainage swales. The rate of erosion can be increased by removing or limiting plant cover, poor grading plans, wind, frost and rain, and water runoff. Two of the most common types of soil erosion are water and wind erosion.


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